Hello Rizlax!! And MANY of us feel you pain.

We're hoping the new 1.5 Patch gives Newberrys a REALLY realistic tutorial... and a REALISTIC thing for all to learn is how really much Eve Dust 514
IS a team-slanted game.

We're regularly requesting the Comms system be expanded, so you can MIC outside your squad to ANY sporadic merc who comes in proximity of you, or "instant message" to the non-hearing, or telegraph with simple flash-signs to address the foreign language issue.

Some of us wanted to VOLUNTEER as tutors, and run some kind of practice squads that function only in the Battle Academy phase, so when the Newberry steps into the Warbarge lobby, he gets to quick-join "the Dropship deployment practice class" or the "HAV driver/turret training squad", "the null-cannon take-n-hold squad", etc...
...But MONTHS later and it is still so hard for gamers to accept this "new concept" that Dust is (still not efficiently) promoting.
Seriously, MOST of us are now realizing that nothing in this game guarantees you survival or success (not proto gun, not triple-shields, not Lvl-5 skill).
Yet, still only SOME of us have realized that,
----if you kill a heavy with 12 pumps of your shotgun---you wipe your sweaty forehead that you survived, ...but
----WHEN YOU WERE PART OF A FOUR-MERC MOB that coincidentally converged on this heavy who was about to finish off a poor blue, and the four of you hosed his proto-suit to bits til he's a crispy fetal mound on the dirt---YOUR LAUGH-WITH-GLEE SATISFACTION METER CLIMBS 120%.
...And the four of you don't even need to know each other or commit to a clan if you're not into that. You only need to view the situations around you, and join in where it seems most logical to help out.
I just don't think the Dust "matchmaking" analyzes much beyond your WP or Kill Ratio standings, and can't figure out WHAT activity earned 'Deathcrier" his standings, or whether he feels like helping the players he gets matched with tonight but will decide to just play self-interest sniper from hilltops in tomorrow's match-ups. I just don't know.
North Americans do the "friendly, nightscene, just for a good time on the town, "hook up" with casual strangers we meet" thing so easily when we go to the clubs after work... but why does that seem so hard for folks to do when console gaming on a multiplayer arena? (Errr, I mean,..um)
Rizlax, the members like Beren may be right. You don't realize you've "graduated" to the higher plane of thinking, and you don't belong in haphazard Public Contracts any more. Unless you like beating yourself in the head over the aimless movements in those matches, you're going to have to reach out for a squad again, or enter Factional Warfare, in order to feel that your team-coop awareness can be put to some valueble use.
....After having played for 6 months, I think I have to leave the Public Contracts, and advance up that road too.